Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A terrific video, and the questions it doesn't ask.

There's plenty in this video I can get behind. The super-rich need less influence on the government and higher taxes, so that government services can be restored. 

But he doesn't ask the question, here, of how the gap-growth between the rich and poor got started in the first place. Incidentally, I can't think of any reason why the incomes of the middle class should be proportionate to the growth of the economy at all.

If that were the case; i.e., if "a rising tide lifts all boats" (which it doesn't), average working Americans would be making much more money than they currently do--and notably, terrifically more money than average working-class people around the world.

That's the rub. The economy growth of a single country has no relationship at all to the world labor market. In fact, the more power that globalization wields against wages (which will only increase), the less will the middle class have any means, or even justification, for seeing any benefit from economic growth. As long as incomes keep pace with inflation (it's in corporations' interest to keep their prices within the purchasing means of most people), the market will never share the country's wealth with the middle class.

Oh Newt Gingrich

How dare you advocate being "humane in the enforcement" of immigration law.

Haven't you learned that the Republican party platform is against being humane?

If you want to rise to the top of that party, be hateful, vindictive, provincial, misanthropic and harsh.

Goodbye, Gingrich. Kind words will win you no friends here.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The grades of my gradeschool

Grade 1: Video games.

Grade 2: Science fiction novels and video games.

Grade 3: Writing about science fiction novels and video games.

Grade 4: Reading non-fiction philosophy books (and writing in the margins about science fiction and video games).

Grade 5: Reading philosophy (and writing in the margins about philosophy).

Grade 6: Reading anything I need to read, no matter how boring, and enjoying it.