Saturday, February 11, 2006

Another stereotypical "blog post"

Huzzah, first a quiz, and now a poem that I didn't even write! Wow, is Not Noteworthy beginning to live up to its name?

Termination for Cause
James F. O’Callaghan

I had thought the terms of our agreement
Were quite clear.
You were to provide me length of days,
Model children by a docile wife, support for same;
Keep far away all disaster man-made
Or act of your own.
And a death if not quite painless
At least sudden, without humiliation.
I in turn would confess You Creator
Of all things seen and unseen, offering customary
Praise and adoration.

Regarding line four above
Your performance has been marginal at best,
And I have now confirmation
From two physicians
Of what I must deem willful disregard
As to length of days and dying.

I therefore recognize no further obligation whatsoever
To provide the aforesaid praise, etc.
Or, indeed, to acknowledge Your existence.

Any further communication should be directed
To my counsel,
Who assures me that he knows You
from of old.

Fiendishly violating the copyright of First Things.


Fr. Thomas said...

hi buddy,

whatever happened to the dr pepper in your old profile picture?

I just got a new pda; I sold the Treo90 to a friend before coming to the monastery, but I've been missing it so much I asked permission to buy another pda (with my own money, since I'm still a novice).

So, now the Palm Z22 (yes, I know) is at my side. The T|X was my first choice, but I thought maybe all the extra features would be more a distraction than a help to living as a monk.

Overall I'm quite pleased with the Z22; it does everything I need, plus a few other little things. Plus, it's so small and light I hardly mind carrying it. Maybe I would get more readers of my blog if I posted news about my pda rather than overcoming onto-theology?

On another note, my domain will expire in June, do you think I should renew it?

Jeff said...

Hey Greg,

I didn't renew mine. It was nice to have a host for files, but I find my web design talents largely wasted on myself when there are these simple blogs that can do anything I'd want, anyway.

Awesome news with the Palm. I bought a Dell Axim x50 last summer... kind of gotten bored of it already, but I'm keeping it around.